They said that they would purchase their Torags's Torags's armor, plateslegs, and the platebody at around 1.9 million. I looked up the costs and RuneScape gold discovered that if I bought the items for 1.6 million and charge them, I can only spend 1.8 million, and also save coins. Then he said to buy Bandos Boots, but I researched Dragon Boots and they have greater strength as well as cost less. He also said to buy amulets of glory and whip I've taken.
I've been camping a lot at the metal dragons lately seeking clue scrolls as also effigies and court summons (i would like to say Vissy however i don't want to jinx it). I've been meleeing mostly and a touch of mage as i collect enough blood runes in drops.
I don't have an enormous amount of money (like 600k cashpile at the ATM so I'm in the realm of metal dragons). What can I do to optimize my setup to buy OSRS GP make it more efficient/whatever. This is in brimhaven dungeon not a resource dungeon. Stats: 93 att, 86 str, 80 def, 89 hp, 80 range, 87 mage, 71 pray, 62 summoning.